Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Android Programming From Scratch - For Beginners

Android Programming From Scratch - For Beginners

Publisher Dev Hive
Course Length : 3.5 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language English



Welcome to Android programming Course
In this course, you will be taught the basics of Android programming. The course consists of five main sections as follows:  
First Section:  
In this section, you learn how to download and install the necessary programming tools for Android. Then, we teach how to develop a simple Android application and run it on an emulator and Android real device. Once this stage is complete, you learn how to create an apk file and prepare it for uploading in Google Play. When you generally learned how to develop and distribute Android apps, it is time to simply learn details of Android programming in a stepwise manner. This is done in the other four sections.  
Second Section:  
Here, you learn the basics of Java Programming. Data types and variables, mathematical operators, relational, and logical operators, and conditional statements and methods are the prerequisites of Java. Every Android appmer is required to be expert in Java.  
Third Section:  
This section is dedicated to train views. Views are the components of every Android app, frequently seen in various apps. In this section, you learn about EditText and TextViews.  
Fourth Section:  
In this section, you learn ViewGroup. ViewGroups are used for the layout of views. Relative and Linear are two views, taught in this section. Two other concepts (Padding & Margin) are also taught in this section.  
Fifth Section:  
In this section, you learn how to add a new activity to the app, open an activity through another one, send value from one activity to another and open web browser and phone dialer.  
Note that this course enables you to start building android apps with no programming knowledge.

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