Challenge your panic disorder
Publisher : Shule Yashar
Course Length : 0.5 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language : English
Hey, are you done with antidepressants, with the fear of going in public places or maybe you even can't do your favourite activies anymore because of that "little problem" ? This course may help you. I'm gonna share with you my own experience and how I beat my panic disorder for only 3 days. I'm not telling that you will have the same success but who knows? Maybe you'll do even better because I'm just a human being like you. If I can, you can too. Just give it a try, if nothing you'll learn some personal tricks that I used for "healing". I hope you'll enjoy it and get out of your comfort zone. Here is my instagram address if you need some additional guidelines - @shuleyashar . Wish you the best.