Friday, 26 April 2019

Complete Excel 2016 Guide: Master Spreadsheets Today!

Complete Excel 2016 Guide: Master Spreadsheets Today!

Publisher Victoria White
Course Length : 2 hour
Course Price : $20
Course Language English


Hi there, my name is Victoria White and I will be your instructor for this presentation on Udemy. I would like to welcome you to my course The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Excel 2016 - A Step-by-Step Journey into Spreadsheets.
Want to be more organized?
Want to learn programs faster?
Well you have come the right place!
Microsoft Excel allows you to use its program for the betterment of your careers. In Excel you have many options in which you are able to use to your advantage such as inserting picture, tables and charts for a visual appeal. Using shortcut and other options, allows you to navigate through Excel much faster and be more efficient. Using the skills taught in this course will allow you to be more efficient when working and minimize the use of having to go back and edit. Doing it right the first time is better and less time consuming when you know what your doing!
Each lecture is simplified at a beginner level, in order to teach anyone and everyone at all levels the simplest and easiest version of how to use Microsoft Excel. Lectures are specified on individual sections for less confusion. Straight to the point videos with little to no rambling.  
Please be sure to look out for my other courses here on Udemy!
All of my courses come with a no questions asked, 30-day money back guarantee.
Once finished the course, I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have, so be sure to rate and leave a comment about what you liked and disliked about my course. Your feedback will help me improve the course, as well as, future courses to come!
Feel free to recommend any courses you would like to see me create for your benefit.

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