JavaScript Arrays - A Complete guide to Master Arrays (2019)
Publisher : Akhil Sarikonda
Course Length : 2.1 hour
Course Price : $30
Course Language : English
You might be a Complete Beginner or a Professional Developer but this course is for EVERYONE, who wants to increase their knowledge about JavaScript by mastering the key concept called "Arrays"
"Each and every concept in this course was explained in a plain and easy-to-understand language with practical and simple examples"
Arrays in JavaScript has a lot of Properties & Methods but a very few are actually known by the majority of the Developers. So, in this course we mainly focus on learning all the key concepts of Arrays.
What we will cover?
- This course is broadly divided into three sections i.e. Basics, Properties and Methods
- No previous knowledge of JavaScript is necessary because will learn arrays from scratch
- All the basics like Variable Declaration, Array Declaration, Array types and Indexing are covered
- We will cover all the Array Properties and Methods and nothing is left behind
In this Course, you will learn,
- Basics of Arrays
- Properties of Arrays
- Mutator Methods
- Accessor Methods
- Iteration Methods
Properties -
- length
- prototype
- constructor
Mutator Methods -
- copyWithin()
- fill()
- push()
- pop()
- reverse()
- shift()
- unshift()
- sort()
- splice()
Accessor Methods -
- concat()
- flat()
- includes()
- join()
- slice()
- toString()
- indexOf()
- lastIndex()
Iteration Methods -
- entries()
- every()
- filter()
- find()
- findIndex()
- keys()
- map()
- values()
- some()
I believe that practical knowledge helps you more than theory. In this course, I tried to explain every concept with examples, so that you will actually grasp the concept rather than memorizing it.
By the end of this course, you will able to use arrays with its methods and properties in your projects and write constructive code.