Learn Core Python, Numpy and Pandas
Publisher : Vishal Kumar Singh
Course Length : 2.9 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language : English
The course covers Core Python, Numpy and Pandas. Google Python Notebook is used for code.
Following are the topics in Core Python.
Following are the topics in Core Python.
- Setting up Google Notebook
- Variables in Python - String, Integer, Boolean
- Python Blocks
- If else statement
- While Loop
- List operations
- Range
- Functions
- Modules
- Exceptions
- File Handling
- Dictionaries
- Tuples
- List Slices
- List Comprehensions
- String functions
- Any,All operations
- Object Oriented Programming
- Magic methods
- Class and Static methods
Following are topics in Numpy and Pandas
- What is Numpy
- Numpy - Add, Subtract, Multiply
- Numpy Dot Product
- Numpy Slicing
- Mixing Integer Indexing And Slice Indexing
- Numpy Array Indexing
- More Array Indexing
- Boolean Array Indexing
- Numpy Sum
- Numpy Reshape
- Numpy Tensors 1D, 2D,3D
- Numpy Transposing
- Numpy Broadcasting
- What is Pandas
- Pandas Series
- Pandas Series Index
- Pandas Advantage Over Numpy
- Pandas Loc and iLoc
- Pandas example - Finding Max
- Pandas Series Addition
- Pandas Apply Function
- Pandas DataFrames Introduction
- Pandas DataFrame Index, Loc and ILoc
- Pandas Sum Along Axis
- Pandas DataFrame Addition
- Pandas DataFrame ApplyMap
- Pandas Reading A CSV File