Learn Modern C++!
Publisher : James Raynard
Course Length : 13.1 hour
Course Price : $20
Course Language : English
This course will teach you how to program using the powerful and efficient C++ programming language. I start right at the beginning and describe things in simple terms, avoiding unnecessary jargon.
There are lots of exercises, with solutions, so you can check your understanding as you learn, gaining familiarity and confidence with programming.
I will be actively supporting the course and respond promptly if you have any questions or difficulties with the course content.
The course is based around the modern version of the language, which makes it easier to learn. I teach the C++11, C++14 and C++17 standards, but also cover older variations which are still used.
The course is fairly thorough and is designed to give you a good practical understanding of the language. It does not attempt to teach everything in a single course. C++ is too big for that, but I cover more than enough to get you started with C++ programming and lay the foundation for you to go on and learn more advanced features.
Student testimonials:
"The one to study for sure, to look at least. Definitely! There should be more courses like this one" - SK
"If you can take only one C++ course, it should be this one! Well presented, and an excellent starting point for those with no C++ experience or only minimal experience" - WM
"Criminal that this is not more popular. As a python programmer, found this course was an excellent grounding into C++'s first principles, and a thorough deep dive into the mechanics/structure/organization of C++ for a complete C++ beginner" - RT