Tuesday, 23 April 2019

One hour Kotlin guide for beginners

One hour Kotlin guide for beginners

Publisher Tutlets Kkang
Course Length : 1.5 hour
Course Price : $70
Course Language English


One hour Kotlin guide for beginners is designed for students who are familiar with Object Oriented Programming(OOP).
You will learn the basic knowledge of Kotlin language and OOP programming with Kotlin. 

1. Objectives
  • Kotlin Basic programming
  • Object Oriented Programming
2. Contents
  • Welcome to Kotlin
    1. Introduction
    2. Setup

  • Kotlin Basic
    1. Kotlin file Structure & Package
    2. Variable
    3. Data type
    4. Array, List, Map, Iterator
    5. Function
    6. Conditional Expression
    7. Loop
    8. Property
    9. lateinit, lazy
    10. Null Safety

  • Kotlin OOP Programming
    1. Class
    2. Inheritance
    3. Abstract class, interface
    4. Visibility modifie

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