Friday, 26 April 2019

Planning your goals and projects for consistent success

Planning your goals and projects for consistent success

Publisher Paritosh Pundir
Course Length : 0.5 hour
Course Price : $30
Course Language English


You have big plans and goals that you want to achieve, but the long terms vision and the goals slip off from your focus as you get busy with your day to day routines.

It is really important to have a productivity system in place which will help you stay organized and clear with all the things you are doing at a certain point in your life. We all have been there, where there are too many things to do, and we start feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

Having a place where you can dump every plan, trip or goal is a great solution to keep a check on things in your life. With clarity, your daily actions will be driven by purpose, pointing towards your goals.

In this course, you will learn about using different tools to build a productivity system that suits you and help you keep track of your projects, goals and regular tasks. We will not focus on an individual tool, but on a process which you can pick up and apply to your favorite tool of choice. The tools we will be using to apply the process are, Trello, Google docs, Notion, and Evernote. The reason for using these tools is because they are free and each process can also be applied using a pen and paper.

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