WinPwn - Automation For Internal Windows Penetration Testing
In many past internal penetration tests, often had problems with the existing Powershell Recon / Exploitation scripts due to missing proxy support. For this reason I wrote my own script with automatic proxy recognition and integration.
The script is mostly based on well-known large other offensive security Powershell projects. I only load them one after the other into RAM via IEX Downloadstring and partially automate the execution to save time.
Yes it is not a C# and it may be flagged by antivirus solutions. Windows Defender for example blocks some of the known scripts/functions.
Different local recon modules, domain recon modules, pivilege escalation and exploitation modules. Any suggestions, feedback and comments are welcome!
Just Import the Modules with "Import-Module .\WinPwn_v0.7.ps1" or with iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(
Functions available after Import:
- WinPwn -> Guides the user through all functions/Modules with simple questions.
- Inveigh -> Executes Inveigh in a new Console window (
Robertson/Inveigh ), SMB-Relay attacks with Session management afterwards
- sessionGopher -> Executes Sessiongopher and Asking for parameters (
SessionGopher )
- Mimikatzlocal -> Executes Invoke-WCMDump and Invoke-Mimikatz (
PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit )
- localreconmodules -> Collects system Informations, Executes passhunt (
PassHunt ), Executes Get-Computerdetails and Just another Windows Privilege escalation script + Winspect ( , , )
- JAWS -> Just another Windows Privilege Escalation script gets executed
- domainreconmodules -> Different Powerview situal awareness functions get executed and the output stored on disk. In Addition a Userlist for DomainpasswordSpray gets stored on disk. An AD-Report is generated in CSV Files (or XLS if excel is installed) with ADRecon. (
security/ADRecon , , )
- Privescmodules -> Executes different privesc scripts in memory (Sherlock
mouse/Sherlock , PowerUp, GPP-Files, WCMDump)
- lazagnemodule -> Downloads and executes lazagne.exe (if not detected by AV) (
AlessandroZ/LaZagne )
- latmov -> Searches for Systems with Admin-Access in the domain for lateral movement. Mass-Mimikatz can be used after for the found systems. Domainpassword-Spray for new Credentials can also be used here.
- empirelauncher -> Launch powershell empire oneliner on remote Systems (
EmpireProject/Empire )
- shareenumeration -> Invoke-Filefinder and Invoke-Sharefinder from Powerview (Powersploit)
- groupsearch -> Get-
DomainGPOUserLocalGroupMapping - find Systems where you have Admin-access or RDP access to via Group Policy Mapping (Powerview / Powersploit)
- Kerberoasting -> Executes Invoke-Kerberoast in a new window and stores the hashes for later cracking
- isadmin -> Checks for local admin access on the local system
- Sharphound -> Downloads Sharphound and collects Information for the Bloodhound DB
- adidnswildcard -> Create a Active Directory-Integrated DNS Wildcard Record and run Inveigh for mass hash gathering. (
exploiting-adidns/#wildcard )
- The "oBEJHzXyARrq.exe"-Executable is an obfuscated Version of jaredhaights PSAttack Tool for Applocker/PS-Restriction Bypass (
jaredhaight/PSAttack ).
- Get the scripts from my own creds repository (
SecureThisShit/Creds ) to be independent from changes in the original repositories. - Proxy Options via PAC-File are not correctly found in the moment
- Obfuscate all Scripts for AV-Evasion