17% of WOMEN will get a stroke ! (+ workbook!)
Publisher : Chris Bankes Sivewright
Course Length : 8 hour
Course Price : $110
Course Language : English
In 2016 I suffered a mini-stroke. Since then I have been researching possible ways to reduce the risk of me getting a stroke - either mini or full-blown. Up to 90% of strokes can be prevented with lifestyle changes. In 2017 I published 'How to prevent a stroke!' here, on Udemy. The course had one aim - to save lives.
As student enrolments rose I published another course "How to avoid a stroke at Christmas and holiday times" also free. (But this has now changed - see Preview)
This course "Women and strokes" is the final course in the trilogy. The aim is still the same: to save lives.
Of course this course was/is free - and always will be..............BUT see PREVIEW.
I am NOT a doctor. I am NOT medically qualified. I am NOT speaking on behalf of any organisation.
These lectures are simply my thoughts as I try and spread the word about risk factors. There are MORE risk factors for women than men - but how many are well known? Even if you are aware of the risks do you know how to reduce them?
You have NOTHING to lose in taking this course - and everything to gain. But this course is not just for you but for your family, your friends, your partner, your neighbours - it is for everyone, but especially for women.
What's covered:
- Weightloss
- Fitness
- Nutrition
- Yoga
- Risk factors
- Statins
Let's cut to the chase: the aim of this course is to save your life.
The course includes a workbook:
Chapter 1 What causes TIAs?
- What is a TIA?
- Why it is important
- What are the causes of a TIA?
- How is a TIA diagnosed?
- Treatment for a TIA
- Symptoms of a ministroke
- Reducing the risk
- Medication and side effects
Chapter 2 Studies
- Studies
- Residual symptoms of a TIA
- Role of brain imaging in TIA
- TIA and common mimics
Chapter 3 Return to TIAs
- TIA facts
- Symptoms of a stroke
- How a TIA is diagnosed
- Therapy
Chapter 4 Stroke quiz
(A link to a site that has a) stroke quiz
Chapter 5 Comments
Comments about TIAs
Chapter 6 Return to risk factors
Risk factors
Chapter 7 Chameleons, panic attacks and TIAs
- Could the TIA be a panic attack?
- Anxiety or mini stroke
- Panic attack v heart attack
Chapter 8 Food
Foods increasing stroke risk
Chapter 9 Dr Malcolm Kendrick
Very interesting extracts from his blog, about strokes
Chapter 10 Risk calculator
Links and explanations about various stroke risk calculators
In conclusion
Stressing that this is a WORKBOOK