Adobe Lightroom CC - The Develop Module for Beginners
Publisher : YouAccel Training
Course Length : 0.5 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language : English
This course is Part 6 of the 12 Part Adobe Lightroom Masterclass Series.
Students learn to work with the Develop Module in Lightroom CC.
Lightroom's Develop module provides the ability to perform stunning image enhancements to your photos.
This course will take a look at the following key concepts:
- An Introduction to the Develop Module and it's usage.
- The Develop Module Preset Panel
- Creating Snapshots in the Develop Module
- Working with the History Panel to Retrace your Last Steps
- Revisiting the Collections Panel
- Screen Modes and Lights Out Mode in the Develop Module
- Loupe View Options
- Copying and Pasting Adjustments to Multiple Images
- Working with Compare View to perform adjustments to images side-by-side
- Working with the Histogram and performing Exposure Corrections