Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Intro to Linux Shell Scripting (Free course)

Intro to Linux Shell Scripting (Free course)

Publisher Jason Cannon
Course Length : 1 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language English


In this mini-course, you'll learn the essentials of writing your own Linux shell scripts, including:
  • How to avoid the most common mistakes made by inexperienced shell scripters.
  • Understanding and using best practices and standard conventions. (If you don't follow these guidelines you'll look like a rank amateur.)
  • A simple technique that can make amazingly complex scripts easy to write.
I've used shell scripts to save myself countless hours of tedious work.  More importantly, having the ability to write shell scripts has helped me enormously in my career.
Not only did I get to take on some very interesting projects because I had the ability to shell script, I was also able to jump right to the front of the line when it came time for promotions.
I want that same thing for you, too!
Even if you're not interested in furthering your career, you can write shell scripts that organize your vacation photos, track your stock portfolio, and more...
I can't wait to see what shell scripts you create!

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