Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 2
Publisher : Maroš Kutschy
Course Length : 3.5 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language : English
This is second part of Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Tutorial.
I recommend to watch first free part of the training before this course:
Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 1 (details about this course are in Lecture 2 which is a free preview)
In Java Selenium Cucumber Framework Part 2 we will learn how to :
- create cucumber test written in Gherkin using Java Selenium Cucumber automation framework which we will continuously build during the course.
- create Java Glue Code (Step definitions)
- create Java Page Object Model and Page Factory with Java and Selenium Webdriver
- identify elements on web page using Chrome Developer tools
- build xpaths for identifying elements
- create test for login to Facebook
- use basic Selenium commands
- run test as Cucumber test using Cucumber for Java plugin in IntelliJ
- create java runner, call it from from TestNG xml file and run test as TestNG test
- adjust maven pom xml file, create maven command to run the test and run test as maven build