Master Nmap for Scanning & Security Auditing 2019 (NSE)
Publisher : Hatim M. Sougraty
Course Length : 1.7 hour
Course Price : $70
Course Language : English
Master Nmap for scanning and security auditing 2019, is a practical course that covers some of the most useful tasks you can do with Nmap. The course is divided into theorical lectures and practical tasks. Each Part of the lecture focuses on a single task explained with command-line examples, sample output, and even additional personal tips that I know you will find handy.
Nmap's vast functionality is explored through many lectures and documents covering more than 120 different tasks for penetration testers and system administrators. Unlike Nmap's official book, this course focuses on the tasks you can do with the Nmap Scripting Engine and unofficial related tools, covering the core functionality of Nmap, but without focusing on the scanning techniques that are perfectly described in the official book. Think of this course as an addition to what the official Nmap book covers.
There were many great NSE scripts I wish I had more time to explain by video but dont worry as I included them in my ebook available for download in this course and many more that will be created after its publication. I invite you to follow the development mailing list and stay up to date with Nmap's latest features and NSE scripts.
I hope that you not only enjoy reading this cookbook, but as you master the Nmap Scripting Engine, you come up with new ideas to contribute to this amazing project.