Sunday 5 May 2019

Self-Confidence Crash Course: How to Build Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence Crash Course: How to Build Self-Confidence

Publisher Farukh Abdullayev
Course Length : 4.5 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language English


Self-Confidence Crash Course: How to Build Self-Confidence
Learn How to Become Confident. Develop Self-Confidence. No More Playing a Role or Playing an Actor in Your Own Life.

"I did not create this course to upload and forget. This course will consistently be updated with new lectures, articles, materials and bonus content in order to help you progress. You are not simply enrolling into a course, you are starting a journey!" - Farukh A.

Do you want to develop real confidence? Do you want to improve self-esteem? Well, if you are willing and ready to put in your time and effort into developing real self-confidence then this crash course is for you!

Hey there, my name is Farukh, I am a Life Coach and Personal Trainer at BalanceCharm. I have studied psychology for a very long time and was able to help many people to overcome their fears and anxieties. Thousands of students are enrolled into my courses where I teach how to overcome agoraphobia, stage fright, social and performance anxieties. The reason why I am interested in this area is because I have myself struggled with stage fright and agoraphobia for a very long time. And let me make this long story short... If someone like me, who struggled with stage fright and agoraphobia can be a confident person living a fulfilled life, YOU CAN TOO!
I know you can! I also know exactly how you can get there. The solution is easy and there is really no secret. It is all about the hard work that you put in. This is how I did it and this is exactly how thousands of my students achieved that as well.

Now, because there is so much contradicting information out there that teaches you to take shortcuts in your own life, to play an actor in your own life, to wear a mask and not be who you really are... it can become overwhelming and confusing. I do understand that, I have been there myself. Not only this unhelpful information can stop us from progressing and getting to the point where we want to be at, but it can also make it worse!
Further in this course, you will learn about the reinforcement. Reinforcement is a powerful tool and can be used to your advantage... BUT, here is the thing: reinforcement is neutral. It does not care whether you are succeeding or not with your goals, you are still being reinforced. And whenever you are relying on false information that teaches you to wear a mask or pretend like you are someone else... often times things do not go as planned.

Imagine a situation: you have been working for a big company for a while without a promotion. You believe that you deserve a promotion, but you did not really have enough confidence to ask your boss about it. So, you find video or a course online that teaches you to be an actor, to wear a mask, to pretend like you are a confident person when you are not. You get motivated and inspired, you feel like you have confidence and you storm into the office of your boss and ask for promotion.

Here are three possible outcomes of this scenario: your boss will either simply agree to give you a promotion (which is great, but also highly unlikely), or will not agree to give you a promotion (which is a bit more likely), or confront you back about why you believe you deserve that promotion (which is the most likely outcome).

Now with the first outcome (which is the least likely) you were able to get away with that mask of confidence that you were wearing. And you might think that this is good, but it isn't. Why? Because here you reinforced your belief that it is okay to wear a confidence mask and that you will be able to get away with it... until you can't.
The second outcome will leave you disappointed. It will reinforce that fact that you really are not a confident person. It will make that belief stronger and at the same time harder to get rid of. This outcome though is still better than the first one, because at least it will teach you that you cannot rely on being an actor in your own life and maybe, it will prompt you to start working on developing actual confidence.
The third outcome... What do you think? This role playing got you far enough, do you think it will get you further through the conversation with your boss on why you deserve a promotion? Probably not, because in reality, you were not confident enough about this whole situation, so how can you really believe and stand for the fact that you deserve something?

Here is the thing, there is only ONE kind of confidence and it is a REAL CONFIDENCE. In this course, I will give you everything you need to know in order to develop that real confidence within yourself! No wearing a mask. No being an actor in your own life. Only real confidence.
So do not hesitate to enroll, because this crash course is one of a kind! Let's start this journey!

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