Web Hosting 101: Get Your Website Live on the Web in No Time
Publisher : Brad Hussey - Code College
Course Length : 1 hour
Course Price : $0
Course Language : English
Do you want to know how to get your website live on the web with your own domain name and hosting? You've come to the right place!
Buying a domain name, hosting package and getting your website live can be an incredibly intimidating and confusing process if you're unfamiliar with the territory, but let me tell you a secret: It's surprisingly easy! And I'm going to show you exactly how to do all of these things in no time by guiding you in a simple, step-by-step process.
In less than 1-hour, you will no longer be uncomfortable with the process of purchasing a Domain Name & Hosting Package, or Uploading your Website Live to the Web via FTP.
Don't have a Website or Blog yet? No problem! I will also be showing you how to set up a Wordpress Website (and write your first blog post) in less than 5 minutes.
So, what do you say? Want me to teach you how to get your website live on your own domain? Sign up for free today!